Your Best Credit Repair Company Offers a Free Credit Audit – Let Us Help You!
What is your credit score? Is it considered acceptable?
Has your credit profile interfered with your ability to secure credit at a competitive rate, or at all?
Find out now with Credit Repair Consultants’ free credit audit.
At Credit Repair Consultants, we offer three credit repair programs and plans to meet the needs of each of our clients who have proactively sought the services from the best credit repair company on the marketplace. To date, our Standard, Premier, and HomePlus credit repair programs have helped more than 20,000 consumers trying to fix the erroneous information on their credit report that is dragging their credit scores down unnecessarily.
In addition to the free credit audit we offer at Credit Repair Consultants, each of our clients receive these services and benefits –
Our Services
Unlimited professional customer service.
Access to real-time progress of our progress through our client portal.
A Money-Back Warranty.
The Option to Cancel any credit repair plan at any time.
No ‘per dispute’ charges, among others.
Check out our online resource entitled – About Credit Scores or learn how, Credit Report Consultants, as the best credit repair company available, implements the tools used to improve your credit. Follow these links for a detailed explanation as to how our services work and the fees associated with our best credit repair services and plans.

If you would like to contact the credit experts at Credit Repair Consultants to learn about our free credit audit, please contact us online or by phone at 877-402-7334. Follow Credit Repair Consultants on Instagram & Facebook.